That's the assignment this month from Davonne for our advice book. Fran, Davonne and I decided to connect monthly with an assignment for a book on advice, we give each other assignments with instructions on what has to be included on a page and then we are to "create".
I would ask these two often during the summer of last year to explain the directions/instructions and they would absolutely roll their eyes and look at me like I had lost all sense, they forgot that I was the person with the least creative skill and had absolutely no idea what they were talking about!!
For instance; Davonne is the queen of creativity and no matter what she does, it is simply an inspired work. Fran has a unique sense of style and ideas, and always keeps us hopping with a new adventure. Then there is me - I am the nurse, the one who sees most everything white and black. I must say however that I have been dipping into the gray area of my life more, and that's where my sewing and computer fun enters the picture.
This month's assignment has left me feeling a little lost, nothing else but
flowers. I think I have an idea of how to proceed, and I better get going because it will take a few attempts before I make one page three times of the exact replica for each of us ( I know , it is terribly confusing!) While I was researching this topic of flowers(?) I found this cute picture of a fabric flower and thought I should try it. So, last night while making a birthday card for a friend at work I thought I would make her a little something - a flower. Yes Davonne, once again this cloth came from you, it is a scrap of a scrap. I thought it was cute and attached it to her card, she loved it (however she didn't wear it). Now I wonder how I can incorporate this flower into my flower assignment for my 3 - 5 X 7 page. . . . I am sure the only ones who will understand this whole composition are the two mentioned above:)