Monday, May 17, 2010

Look who turned 1 on the 16th!!
Easton Paul Schelhaas, that's who!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Flowers again

The bleeding heart is in full bloom. This is from the original plant from Dad Schelhaas, we have moved it to this home, have taken shoots from it for family to plant in their gardens.  What a pleasant reminder of years past and the promise of years to come


That's the assignment this month from Davonne for our advice book. Fran, Davonne and I decided to connect monthly with an assignment for a book on advice, we give each other assignments with instructions on what has to be included on a page and then we are to "create".
I would ask these two often during the summer of last year to explain the directions/instructions and they would absolutely roll their eyes and look at me like I had lost all sense, they forgot that I was the  person with the least creative skill and had absolutely no idea what they were talking about!!
 For instance;  Davonne is the queen of creativity and no matter what she does, it is simply an inspired work. Fran has a unique sense  of style and ideas, and always keeps us hopping with a new adventure. Then there is me - I am the nurse, the one who sees most everything white and black. I must say however that I have been dipping into the gray area of my life more, and that's where my sewing and computer fun enters the picture.
This month's assignment has left me feeling a little lost, nothing else but flowers. I think I have an idea of how to proceed, and I better get going because it will take a few attempts  before I make one page three times of the exact replica for each of us ( I know , it is terribly confusing!) While I was researching this topic of flowers(?) I found this cute picture of a fabric flower and thought I should try it.  So, last night while  making a birthday card for a friend at work I thought I would make her a little something - a flower. Yes Davonne, once again this cloth came from you, it is a scrap of a scrap. I thought it was cute and attached it to her card, she loved it (however she didn't wear it).  Now I wonder how I can incorporate this flower into my flower assignment for my 3 - 5 X 7 page. . . . I am sure the only ones who will understand this whole composition are the two mentioned above:)