Monday, March 29, 2010


Today we had 80 mile an hour winds I think, probably more like 30 miles an hour. However, the good thing is that it was warm and the sun shone and the sky was blue all in one day. This is my day off after my weekend of work, seems like I have been working weekends forever and for the most part, I don't mind the weekend work because it is quieter and the big kahunas aren't there to pretend like they know more than us who are working. I do think Paul does have some times when he is sick of me being gone when he is home, at least I would like to think he does. I have a faithful friend follower now, so that is a good thing, anyone else out there who would like to follow this unlikely blogger?

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I'd like to follow the unlikely blogger. Now you have two!
